Are We Detectable Yet?

Mobile & Tablet Browser Detection Scorecard

Firefox Firefox Firefox Firefox Firefox Firefox for iOS
Firefox OS[1] Firefox OS (Fireweb)[2] Firefox OS Tablet[3] Firefox for Android[4] Firefox for Android Tablet[5] Firefox for iOS[6]
UserAgent ?
UADetector 960620 960620 ?
User Agent Utils 915727 915727 ?
Detect.js ?
Detectizr 956998 ?
device.js 915853 915853 915853 ?
Express Device ?
isMobile ?
is-mobile 914231 914231 ?
JS Redirection Mobile Site 932458 932458 ?
jQuery Mobile ?
Mobile Agent ?
Mootools ?
Node User Agent Parse ?
Platform.js 913633 913633 913633 913633 913633 ?
ua-parser-js ?
useragent ?
UA.js 913189 913189 962130 ?
Multiple Languages
ua-parser 962160 ?
Mobile ESP ? 914241 ?
Woothee 914313 914313 ?
HTTP::BrowserDetect 962674 ?
Categorizr ?
Detector ?
Mobile-Detect ?
MobileDetectBundle ?
PHP User Agent Parser ?
WordPress Mobile Detect ?
WPTouch 909420 909420 909420 ?
Django Mobile ?
minidetector ?
Python User Agents 963307 963307 963307 963307 ?
agent_orange ?
browser 963595 ?
UserAgent ?
User Agent Parser ?
Server Frameworks
Apache Mobile Filter 916250 916250 916250 ?
51 Degrees ?
Detect Right ?
DeviceAtlas 963705 ? 957205 957205 957205 ?
Netbiscuits ?
OpenDDR ?
WURFL 963732 ?
Green Green means the UA string is correctly identified as a mobile or tablet device.
Red Red means the UA string is not identified as mobile or tablet (i.e., detected as a desktop device—or some other bug).
N/A N/A means the library or framework does not classify the type of device.
  1. Mozilla/5.0 (Mobile; rv:18.1) Gecko/18.1 Firefox/18.1
  2. Mozilla/5.0 (Mobile; LG-D300; rv:18.1) Gecko/18.1 Firefox/18.1
  3. Mozilla/5.0 (Tablet; rv:29.0) Gecko/29.0 Firefox/29.0
  4. Mozilla/5.0 (Android; Mobile; rv:26.0) Gecko/26.0 Firefox/26.0
  5. Mozilla/5.0 (Android; Tablet; rv:26.0) Gecko/26.0 Firefox/26.0
  6. Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 8_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/600.1.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) FxiOS/1.0 Mobile/12F69 Safari/600.1.4

Are we missing a framework, or is something wrong? Let us know by opening an issue. More info on Gecko User Agent strings.